One of the things INschools is passionate about is helping parents get past all the aggressive marketing and learn about a school’s real quality. This is exactly what the school review is all about. The school review allows parents to share their honest assessment of their child’s school. So, for any parent deliberating that important choice about what school to send their children to, the school review will be an empowering tool that helps make the right choice.
This rating scale is a dynamic one that will differ upon parent’s review. It’s important to stay consistent. Use the same number of points on the scale for all questions, and keep to the same definitions of high and low from question to question. Mixing up your scales can lead to confusion, which can ultimately result in unreliable responses.
Help others understand your child’s school better—there’s more to a school than what’s mentioned in brochures and websites. School reviews are also a way to help schools understand what they can do better.
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The most helpful reviews provide information about the true quality of a school, such as the effectiveness of a school's management, quality of their facilities, teacher’s ability to meet learning needs, the way teachers build and maintain relationships with parents to help children succeed, etc.
A school can be assessed on various aspects such as academics, infrastructure, school’s culture, etc. While reviewing, please follow the below criteria to be able to provide accurate rating and feedback.